In this workshop you will be introduced to why Keeping Memories/creating Life Story Books is essential for our tamariki (children) in care.

Caring Families Aotearoa has developed these workshops and they are delivered as part of the National Caregiver Training Programme (NCTP) for all caregivers in New Zealand.

We offer two learning options for this course:

1) Online/virtual course in two parts: Part one (1 hr) is a self-directed e-module that needs to be completed online in your own time before you complete part two. Part two is a 1.5-hour facilitated practical virtual session.

2) Two-hour, face-to-face workshop

You are registering for the online/virtual course.


The course reinforces the concept of Life Story Books, why they are important, and the caregiver’s role in creating them. Life Story Books answer the child’s ‘what, when and why’ questions (creating a coherent narrative – Dan Siegel) about their care experiences.

This course has been updated with a cultural lens of understanding the role of being a Kaitiaki/Guardian - keeper and recorder of te tamaiti (child’s) memories. It incorporates the National Care Standards regulations and provides practical opportunities.

By the end of these learning opportunities caregivers will be able to describe the importance of tamariki having an accurate record of their care journey. They will understand the significance of writing a strength’s-based story/narrative that reflects and captures the child’s/young person’s experience. We will also look at how linking cultural connections to tamariki’s story helps with their mana tamaiti, whakapapa, identity and place and the importance of whanaungatanga.  Both learning options include supportive practical tasks to help you create and record ‘Keeping Memories’.

When we facilitate training for caregivers, this is who we include: Whānau/Kin Caregivers, Permanency Parents, Foster and Whānau/Kin Caregivers who have tamariki placed with them by an Iwi social service, Agency, or Oranga Tamariki.