This is an online workshop in two sessions where we look at confrontational interactions between care experienced tamariki and their caregiver. Caregivers are encouraged to explore the reasons why children can regularly be confrontational and the importance of stepping aside from such confrontations is considered. The group will explore different ways of managing their response to avoid being pulled into the confrontation.

Confrontation is very much a coercive interaction (a pattern of controlling behaviours that creates an unequal power dynamic in a relationship). Caregivers will learn how to manage coercive interactions and how children have developed this way of being, mainly unconsciously, to stay safe.

Perhaps for caregivers some of the most difficult behaviours to deal with are when the children lie and steal. These are typical and complex behaviours that children with emotional difficulties display. Caregivers will be helped to understand the reasons why children adopt these behaviours and why they often appear to lack a sense of guilt and remorse. We will explore different ways to help children who lie and steal, without getting angry and confrontational.