This session will increase your awareness of what Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is and how this may be exhibited in children. You will gain an understanding of the difference between intentional behaviour and symptoms of FASD, as well as learn strategies for caring for a child with FASD.

Caring Families Aotearoa has developed this workshop and it is delivered as part of the National Caregiver Training Programme (NCTP) for all caregivers in New Zealand.


By the end of this facilitated discussion, caregivers will have an awareness of FASD. Our aim is that caregivers shift their thinking and understanding from behavioural beliefs to a knowledge of brain-based neurodisability. (Neurodisability = a group of congenital or acquired long-term conditions that are attributed to impairment of the brain). We will identify eight key strategies in working with children affected by FASD and that caregivers will respond to the child’s behaviours differently with the understanding of FASD. Finally, we look at how to access support when caring for a child with FASD.

When we facilitate training for caregivers, this is who we include: Whānau/Kin Caregivers, Permanency Parents, Foster and Whānau/Kin Caregivers who have tamariki placed with them by an Iwi social service, Agency, or Oranga Tamariki.